
  • Birchard, K*, H.G. Driver*, D. Ademidun*, Y. Bedolla-Guzmán^, T. Birt, E. E. Chown*, P. Deane*, B.A.S. Harkness*, A. Morrin*, J. F. Masello^, R.S. Taylor*, and V.L. Friesen. 2023. Circadian gene variation in relation to breeding season and latitude in allochronic populations of two pelagic seabird species complexes. Scientific Reports 13:13692.

  • Afonso, R.O.^, F. Pina-Martins^, V.L. Friesen, Z. Sun, L. Campioni^, J. Madeiros^, and M.C. Silva^. 2023. No evidence of inbreeding depression despite a historical severe bottleneck in the endangered Bermuda petrel (Pterodroma cahow). Journal of Heredity 114459-469.

  • Gousy-Leblanc, M.*, T. Merkling*, S. Whelan, A.J. Gaston, V.L. Friesen and K.H Elliott. 2023. Go your own way? Reasons for divorce in a monogamous seabird. Animal Behaviour 204:13-24.

  • Sauve, D.*, A. Charmantier^, S.A. Hatch^ and V.L. Friesen. 2023. The magnitude of selection on growth varies among years and increases under warming conditions in a subarctic seabird. Evolution Letters in press.

  • Sauve, D.*, V.L. Friesen, S.A. Hatch^, K.H. Elliott and A. Charmantier^. 2023. Shifting environmental predictors of phenotypes under climate change: a case study of growth in high latitude seabirds. Journal of Avian Biology 2023: e03062.

  • d’Entremont, K.J.N., L. Guzzwell, S.I. Wilhelm, V.L. Friesen, G.K. Davoren, C. Walsh and W.A. Montevecchi. 2022. Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus) breeding at their southern limit struggle with prey shortages as a result of warming waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science 79: 50-60.

  • Sauve, D.*, A. Charmantier^, S.A. Hatch, S.A.^ and V.L. Friesen. 2022. Environmental conditions variably affect growth across the breeding season in a subarctic seabird. Oecologia 198, 307–318.

  • Sauve, D*, V.L. Friesen and A. Charmantier^. 2021. The effects of weather on avian growth and implications for adaptation to climate change. Frontiers Ecology and Evolution. 9:569741. Invited review.

  • Friesen, V.L., R. Brunt*, J.A. Morris-Pocock*, D. Sauve*, A.J. Baker, T.P. Birt, W.S. Davidson, K.H. Elliott and W.A. Montevecchi. 2021. A test of mechanisms of population differentiation in gannets (genus Morus) using comparative phylogeography and morphometrics. Marine Ornithology 49: 275–291.

  • Colston-Nepali, L.*, A. Tigano*, B. Boyle and V.L. Friesen. 2020. Using genomic tools to inform management of the Atlantic northern fulmar. Conservation Genetics 21: 1037-1050.

  • Feng, S., J. Stiller, and 147 coauthors (including A. Tigano*, S. Taylor* and V.L. Friesen). 2020. Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 587:252-261.
  • Graham, B.A., A.M. Carpenter, V.L. Friesen, and T.M. Burg*.  2020. A comparison of neutral genetic differentiation and genetic diversity among migratory and resident populations of Golden-crowned-Kinglets (Regulus satrapa). Journal of Ornithology 161:509-519.
  • Lombal, A., J. E. O’dwyer, V.L. Friesen, E.J. Woehler and C.P. Burridge. 2020. Identifying mechanisms of genetic differentiation among populations in vagile species: historical factors dominate genetic differentiation in seabirds. Biological Reviews 95:625–651.
  • Colston-Nepali, L.*, A. Tigano*, B. Boyle and V. Friesen. 2019. Hybridization does not currently pose conservation concerns to murres in the Atlantic. Conservation Genetics 20: 1465-1470.
  • Leigh, D.M.*, A.P. Hendry, E. Vásquez-Domínguez and V.L. Friesen. 2019. Estimated six percent loss of genetic variation in wild populations since the industrial revolution. Evolutionary Applications, 12: 1505-1512

  • Sauve, D.*, G. Divoky and V.L. Friesen. 2019. Phenotypic plasticity or evolutionary change? An examination of the phenological response of an Arctic seabird to climate change. Functional Ecology 33: 2180-2190

  • Sauve, D.*, A. Patirana*, J.W. Chardine and V.L. Friesen. 2019. Mitochondrial DNA reveals genetic structure within the Atlantic but not Pacific populations of a holarctic seabird, the Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactylaMarine Ornithology 47: 199-208.

  • Taylor, R.S.*, M. Bolton, A. Beard, T. Birt, P. Deane-Coe*, A.F. Raine, J. González-Solís, S.C. Lougheed and V.L. Friesen. 2019. Cryptic species and independent origins of allochronic populations within a seabird species complex (Hydrobates spp.). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139: 106552

  • Tigano, A.*, T.K. Reiertsen, J.R. Walter and V.L. Friesen. 2019. A complex copy number variant underlies differences in both colour plumage and cold adaptation in a dimorphic seabird. BioRxiv.

  • Rodríguez, A. et al. 2019. Future directions in conservation research on petrels and shearwaters. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:94.

  • Taylor, S.A.*, M. Jenkins*, M. Manghani*, T.P. Birt*, D.J. Anderson, G. Jiménez-Uzcátegui and V.L. Friesen. 2018. Genetic distinctiveness of brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) from the Galápagos Islands compared to continental North America. Conservation Genetics 19:629-636.

  • Taylor, R.S.*, A. Bailie*, P. Gulavita*, T.P. Birt*, T. Aarvak, T. Anker-Nilssen, D.C. Barton, K. Lindquist, Y. Bedolla-Guzmán, P. Quillfeldt and V.L. Friesen. 2018. Sympatric population divergence within a highly pelagic seabird species complex (Hydrobates spp.). Journal of Avian Biology 49: e01515.

  • Tigano, A.*, T.B. Sackton and V.L. Friesen 2018. Assembly and RNA-free annotation of highly heterozygous genomes: The case of the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia). Molecular Ecology Resources 18:79-90.

  • Taylor, R.S.* and V.L. Friesen. 2017. The role of allochrony in speciation. Invited review. Molecular Ecology 26:3330-3342.

  • Tigano, A.*, A.J. Shultz, S.V. Edwards, G.J Robertson and V.L. Friesen. 2017. Outlier analyses to test for local adaptation to breeding grounds in a migratory arctic seabird. Ecology and Evolution 7:2370-2381.

  • Iglesias-Vasquez, A.*, B. Gangloff, S. Ruault, C. Ribout, D. Priddel, N. Carlile, V.L. Friesen, A. Cibois and V. Bretagnolle. 2017. Population expansion, current and past gene flow in Gould’s petrel: implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics 18:105-115.

  • Wallace, S.J.*, J.A Morris-Pocock*, J. Gonzalez-Solis, P. Quillfeldt and V.L. Friesen. 2017. A phylogenetic test of sympatric speciation: a species tree for the Hydrobatinae (Aves: Procellariiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 107:39-47.

  • Morris-Pocock, J.A.*, D.J. Anderson and V.L. Friesen. 2016. Biogeographic barriers to dispersal and rare gene flow shape population genetic structure in red-footed boobies. Journal of Biogeography 43:2125-2135.

  • Silva, M.F., A.L. Smith*, V.L. Friesen, J. Bried, O. Hasegawa, M.M. Coelho and M.C. Silva. 2016. Mechanisms of diversification in the marine species Madeiran Storm-petrel Oceanodroma castro and Monteiro’s Storm-petrel O. monteiroi: Insights from a multilocus approach. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 98:314-323.

  • Tigano, A.* and V.L. Friesen. 2016. Genomics of local adaptation with gene flow. Invited review. Molecular Ecology 25:2144-2164.

  • Wojczulanis-Jakubas, K., A. Kilikowska, J. Fort, M. Gavrilo, D. Jakubas, V.L. Friesen. 2015. No evidence of divergence at neutral genetic markers between the two morphologically different subspecies of the most numerous Arctic seabird. Ibis 157:787-797.

  • Friesen, V.L . 2015. Speciation in seabirds: why are there so many species….and why aren’t there more? Journal of Ornithology 156:S27-S39.

  • Tigano, A.*, M. Damus*, T.P. Birt*, J. A. Morris-Pocock*, Y.B. Artukhin and V.L. Friesen. 2015. The Arctic: Glacial refiugum or area of secondary contact? Inference from the population genetic structure of the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia), with implications for management. Journal of Heredity 2015:238-246.

  • Lavoie, R.A.*, T.K. Kyser, V.L. Friesen and L.M. Campbell. 2015. Tracking overwintering areas of fish-eating birds to identify mercury exposure. Environmental Science and Technology 49:863-872.

  • Wallace, S.J.*, S.G. Wolfe, R.W. Bradley, A.L. Harvey and V.L. Friesen. 2015. The influence of biogeographical barriers on the population genetic structure and gene flow in a coastal seabird. Journal of Biogeography 42:390-400.

  • Boutilier, S., S.A. Taylor, J.A. Morris-Pocock, R. Lavoie and V.L. Friesen. 2014. Population genetic differentiation of the Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) in North America. Conservation Genetics 15: 275-281.

  • Burg, T.M., S.A. Taylor, K.D. Lemmen, A.J. Gaston and V.L. Friesen. 2014. Postglacial population genetic differentiation potentially facilitated by a flexible migratory strategy in Golden-crowned Kinglets (Regulus satrapa). Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 163-172.

  • Vasquez-Carrillo, C., V. Friesen, L. Hall and M.Z. Peery. 2014. Variation in MHC Class II B genes in marbled murrelets: implications for delineating conservation units. Animal Conservation 17:244-255.

  • Deane, P.E., K.D. McCoy, R.J. Robertson, T.P. Birt and V.L. Friesen. 2013. Minimal genetic structure in the cerulean warbler despite evidence for ecological differentiation among populations. Condor 115:178-185.

  • Taylor, S.A., J.A. Morris-Pocock, B.R. Tershy, J.A. Castillo-Guerrero and V.L. Friesen. 2013. Genetic evidence for hybridization between brown (Sula leucogaster) and blue-footed (S. nebouxii) boobies in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ornithology 41:113-119.

  • Taylor, S.A., D.J. Anderson and V.L. Friesen. 2013. Evidence for asymmetrical gene flow of nuclear loci, but not mitochondrial loci, between a seabird species pair. PLoS ONE 8: e62256.

  • Jeyasingham, W., S.A. Taylor, C.B. Zavalaga, A. Simeone and V.L. Friesen. 2013. Specialization to cold water upwellings facilitates gene flow in seabirds: additional evidence from the Peruvian pelican, Pelecanus thagus (Aves: Pelecanidae). Journal of Avian Biology 44:297-304.

  • Birt, T.P., H.R. Carter, D.L. Whitworth, A. McDonald, S.H. Newman, F. Gress, E. Palacios, J.S. Koepke and V.L. Friesen. 2012. Range-wide population genetic structure of the Xantus’s murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus). Auk 129:44-55.

  • Deane, P.E., K.D. McCoy, R.J. Robertson, T.P. Birt and V.L. Friesen. 2012. Minimal genetic structure in the cerulean warbler despite evidence for ecological differentiation among populations. Condor115:178-185.

  • Lait, L.A., V.L. Friesen, A.J. Gaston and T.M. Burg. 2012. The post-Pleistocene population genetic structure of a western North American passerine: the chestnut-backed chickadee (Poecile rufescens). J. Avian Biol.43:541-552.

  • Morris-Pocock, J.A., J.C. Hennicke and V.L. Friesen. 2012. Effects of long-term isolation on genetic variation and within-island population genetic structure in Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) seabirds. Cons. Gen.13:1469-1481.

  • Taylor, S.A., D.J. Anderson, C.B. Zavalaga and V.L. Friesen. 2012. Evidence for strong assortative mating, limited gene flow, and strong differentiation across the blue-footed booby/Peruvian booby hybrid zone in northern Peru. J. Avian Biol. 43: 311-324.

  • Taylor, S.A. and V.L. Friesen. 2012. Use of molecular genetics for understanding seabird evolution, ecology and conservation. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 451:285-304.

  • Taylor, S.A., A. Patirana, T.P. Birt and V.L. Friesen. 2012. Cryptic introgression between murre sister species (Uria spp.) in the Pacific low Arctic: frequency, cause, and implications. Polar Biol. 35:931-940.

  • Birt, T. P., D. Mackinnon, J. F. Piatt, and V. L. Friesen. 2011. Genetic differentiation of the Kittlitz’s murrelet Brachyramphus brevirostris in the Aleutian islands and Gulf of Alaska . Mar. Ornith. 39: 39–45.

  • Ibarguchi, G., A.J. Gaston and V.L. Friesen. 2011. Philopatry, morphological divergence, and kin groups: structuring in thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae) within a colony in Arctic Canada. J. Avian Biol. 42:134-150.

  • Morris-Pocock, J.A., D. J . Anderson and V. L. Friesen. 2011. Mechanisms of global diversification in the brown booby (Sula leucogaster) revealed by uniting statistical phylogeographic and multilocus phylogenetic methods. Mol. Ecol. 20:2835-2850.

  • Patterson, S. A., J. A. Morris-Pocock and V. L. Friesen. 2011. A multilocus phylogeny of the Sulidae (Aves: Pelecaniformes). Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 58: 181–191.

  • Taylor, S.A., L. Maclagan, D.J. Anderson and V.L. Friesen. 2011. Could specialization to cold water upwelling systems influence gene flow and population differentiation in marine organisms? A case study using the blue-footed booby, Sula nebouxiiJ. Biogeog. 38:883-893.

  • Taylor, S.A., C.B. Zavalaga, G. Luna-Jorquera, A. Simeone, D.J. Anderson and V.L. Friesen. 2011. Panmixia and high genetic diversity in a Humboldt Current endemic, the Peruvian booby (Sula variegata). J. Ornithol. 152:623-630.

  • Taylor, S. A., Zavalaga, C. B., Friesen, V. L. 2010. Hybridization between blue-footed (Sula nebouxii) and Peruvian (S. variegata) boobies in northern Peru. Waterbirds 33: 251-257.

  • Morris-Pocock, J. A., Taylor, S. A., Birt, T., Friesen, V. L. 2010. Concerted evolution of duplicated mitochondrial control regions in three related seabird species. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10:14.

  • Morris-Pocock J.A. , Steeves T.E., Estelea F., Anderson D.J.,  Friesen V.L. 2010. Comparative phylogeography of brown (Sula leucogaster) and red-footed boobies (S. sula): the influence of physical barriers and habitat preference on gene flow in pelagic seabirds. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 54: 883-896.

  • Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium (Morris-Pocock J. A., Taylor S. A., Sun, Z., Friesen, V. L.). 2010. Isolation and characterization of 15 microsatellite loci for red-footed (Sula sula), blue-footed (S. nebouxii) and Peruvian (S. variegata) boobies. Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 404-408.

  • Taylor , S. A., Morris-Pocock, J. A., Sun, Z., Friesen, V. L. 2010. Isolation and characterization of 10 microsatellite loci in blue-footed (Sula nebouxii) and Peruvian boobies (Sula variegata). Journal of Ornithology 151: 525-528.

  • Zavalaga, C. B., Taylor, S. A., Dell’Omo, G., Anderson, D. J., Friesen, V. L. 2009. Male/female classification of the Peruvian booby. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121: 739-744.

  • Bolton, M., A.L. Smith*, E.E. Gómez-Díaz*, V.L. Friesen, R. Medeiros, J. Bried, J.L. Roscales and R.W. Furness. 2008. Monteiro’s Storm-petrel Oceanodroma monteiroi: a new species from the Azores. Ibis 150:717-727.

  • Morris-Pocock, J.A.*, S.A. Taylor*, T.P. Birt, M. Damus*, J.F. Piatt, K.I. Warheit and V.L. Friesen. 2008. Population genetic structure in Atlantic and Pacific Ocean common murres (Uria aalge): Natural replicate tests of post-Pleistocene evolution. Molecular Ecology 17:4859-4873.

  • Sun, Z., E.E. Gómez-Díaz*, A. Bailie* and V.L. Friesen. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for storm-petrels. Molecular Ecology Resources, in press. Friesen, V.L. 2007. New roles for molecular genetics in understanding seabird evolution, ecology and conservation. Marine Ornithology, in press.

  • Friesen, V.L., A.L. Smith, E. Gómez-Díaz, M. Bolton, R.W. Furness, J. González-Solís & L. Monteiro. 2007. Sympatric speciation by allochrony in a seabird. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press.

  • Brown, J.W., P.J. van Coeverden de Groot, T.P. Birt, G. Seutin, P.T. Boag & V.L. Friesen. 2007. Appraisal of the consequences of the DDT-induced bottleneck on the level and distribution of neutral genetic variation in Canadian peregrine falcons, Falco peregrinus. Mol. Ecol. 16:327-343.

  • Friesen, V.L., T.M. Burg & K. McCoy. 2007. Mechanisms of population differentiation in seabirds. Mol. Ecol. 16: 1765-1785.

  • Smith, A.L. & V.L. Friesen2007. Differentiation of sympatric populations of the band-rumped storm-petrel in the Galapagos Islands: an examination of genetics, morphology, and vocalizations. Mol. Ecol. 16:1593-1603.

  • Smith, A.L., L. Monteiro, O. Hasegawa & V.L. Friesen. 2007. Global phylogeography of the band-rumped storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro; Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae).  Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 43:755-773.

  • Vallender, R., R.J. Robertson, V.L. Friesen & I. Lovette. 2007. Complex hybridization dynamics between golden-winged and blue-winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera and V. pinus) revealed by AFLP, microsatellite, intron and mtDNA markers. Mol. Ecol. 16:2017-2029.

  • Vallender, R., V.L. Friesen & R.J. Robertson. 2007. Paternity and performance golden-winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) and golden-winged X blue-winged warbler (V. pinus) hybrids at the leading edge of a hybrid zone. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 61:1797-1807.

  • Burg, T.M., A.J. Gaston, K. Winker & V.L. Friesen. 2006. Effects of Pleistocene glaciers on population structure of North American chestnut-backed chickadees. Mol. Ecol. 15:2409-2419.

  • Friesen, V.L., J.A. González & F. Cruz-Delgado. 2006. Population genetic structure and conservation of the Galápagos petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia). Cons. Gen. 7:105-115.

  • Garner, S., T.P. Birt, C.M. Mlewa, J.M. Green, A. Seifert & V.L. Friesen. 2006. Genetic variation in marbled lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) in Lake Victoria and introduction to Lake Baringo, Kenya. J. Fish Biol. 69 Suppl. B:189-199.

  • Ibarguchi, G., V.L. Friesen & S.C. Lougheed. 2006. Defeating numts: semi-pure mitochondrial DNA from eggs and simple purification methods for field-collected wildlife tissues. Genome 49:1438-1450.

  • Burg, T.M., A.J. Gaston, K. Winker & V.L. Friesen. 2005. Rapid divergence and post-glacial colonization in Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri). Mol. Ecol. 14:3745-3755.

  • Friesen, V.L., T.P. Birt, J.F. Piatt, R.T. Golightly, S.H. Newman, P.N. Hébert and G. Gissing. 2005. Population genetic structure in marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus), and the delineation of ‘distinct population segments’ for conservation. Cons. Gen. 6:607-613.

  • Jones, J., C.E. Gibb, S.C. Millard, J.J. Barg, M.K. Girvan, M.L. Veit, V.L. Friesen and R.J. Robertson. 2005. Multiple selection pressures generate adherence to Bergmann’s rule in a Neotropical migratory songbird. J. Biogeog.32: 1827-1833.

  • Riffault, L., K.D. McCoy, C. Tirard, V.L. Friesen & T. Boulinier. 2005. Population genetics of the common guillemot Uria aalge in the North Atlantic: assessing the geographic impact of oil spills. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 291:263-273.

  • Steeves, T.E., D.J. Anderson & V.L. Friesen. 2005. The Isthmus of Panama: a major physical barrier to gene flow in a highly mobile pantropical seabird. J. Evol. Biol. 18:1000-1008.

  • Steeves, T.E., D.J. Anderson & V.L. Friesen. 2005. A role for non-physical barriers to gene flow in the diversification of a highly vagile seabird, the masked booby (Sula dactylatra). Mol. Ecol. 14: 3877-3887.

  • Veit, M.L., R.J. Robertson, P.B. Hamel & V.L. Friesen. 2005. Population genetic structure and dispersal across a fragmented landscape in cerulean warblers (Dendroica cerulea). Cons. Gen. 6:159-174.

  • Walsh, H.W., I.L. Jones & V.L. Friesen. 2005. A test of founder effect speciation using multiple loci in the auklets (Aethia spp.). Genetics 171:1885-1894.

  • Ibarguchi, G., G.J. Gissing, A.J. Gaston, P.T. Boag & V.L. Friesen. 2004. Male-biased mutation rates and the overestimation of extra-pair paternity: problem, solution, and illustration using thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae). J. Hered. 95: 209-216.

  • Holder, K., R. Montgomerie & V.L. Friesen. 2004. Genetic diversity and management of Nearctic rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus). Can. J. Zool. 82:564-575.

  • McShane, C. & 15 others. 2004. Evaluation report for the 5-year status review of the marbled murrelet in Washington, Oregon, and California. EDAW Associates. 356 pp.

  • Friesen, V.L. & J. F Piatt. 2003. A genetic study to aid in restoration of murres, guillemots and murrelets to the Gulf of Alaska. Restoration Project Final Report, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, Anchorage. 132 pp.

  • May, E. & V.L. Friesen (eds.). 2003. Proceedings of People and the Planet: Changing Values for a Sustainable Future. Sierra Club of Canada. 82 pp.

  • Steeves, T.E., D.J. Anderson, H. McNally, M. Kim & V.L. Friesen. 2003. Phylogeography of Sula: the role of physical barriers to gene flow in the diversification of tropical seabirds. J. Av. Biol. 34:217-223.

  • Walsh, H.E. & V.L. Friesen. 2003. Patterns of molecular variation at mitochondrial, neutral nuclear, and MHC loci in least and crested auklets (Aethia spp.). J. Mol. Evol. 57:681-693.

  • Friesen, V.L., D.J. Anderson, T.E. Steeves, H. Jones & E.A. Schreiber. 2002. Molecular support for species status of the Nazca Booby. Auk 119:820-826.

  • Patirana, A., S. Hatch & V.L. Friesen. 2002. Population genetics and conservation of the red-legged kittiwake Rissa brevirostrisCons. Gen. 3:335-340.

  • Pearce, R.L., J.J. Wood, Y. Artukhin, T.P. Birt, M. Damus & V.L. Friesen. 2002. Mitochondrial DNA suggests high trans-Pacific gene flow in ancient murrelets. Condor 104:84-91.

  • Pacheco, N.M. & V.L. Friesen. 2002. An investigation of hybridization in Brachyramphus murrelets using nuclear introns. Cons. Gen. 3:175-182.

  • Edwards, S.E., M.C. daSilva, T. Burg, V.L. Friesen & K.I. Warheit. 2001. Molecular genetic markers in the analysis of seabird bycatch populations. Pp. 115-140 in E.F. Melvin & J.K. Parrish (eds.), Seabird Bycatch. University of Alaska Sea Grant.

  • Walsh, H.E. & V.L. Friesen. 2001. Power and stochasticity in the resolution of soft polytomies. Evolution 55:1264-1266.

  • Congdon, B.C., J.F. Piatt, K. Martin & V.L. Friesen. 2000. Rapid population expansion and peripheral isolation in marbled murrelets: historical vs contemporary evolutionary processes. Evolution 54: 974-986.

  • Friesen, V.L. 2000. Introns. Pp. 274-290 in A. J. Baker (ed.), Molecular Methods in Ecology. Blackwell, Oxford.

  • Holder, K., R. Montgomerie & V.L. Friesen. 2000. Glacial vicariance and historical biogeography of rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) in the Bering Region. Molecular Ecology  9:1265-1278.

  • Ibarguchi, G., T.P. Birt, K.I. Warheit,  P.T. Boag & V.L. Friesen. 2000. Microsatellite loci from common and thick-billed murres, Uria aalge and U. lomviaMolecular Ecology 9:629-644.

  • Friesen, V.L., B.C. Congdon, M.G. Kidd & T.P. Birt. 1999. PCR primers for the amplification of five nuclear introns in vertebrates. Molecular Ecology 8:2147-2149.

  • Holder, K., R. Montgomerie, & V.L. Friesen. 1999. A test of the glacial refugium hypothesis using patterns of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence variation in rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus). Evolution 53:1936-1950.

  • Walsh, H.E., M.G. Kidd, T. Moum & V.L. Friesen. 1999. Polytomies and the power of phylogenetic inference: a test of mechanisms of speciation in the auklets (Charadriiformes: Alcidae). Evolution 53:932-937.

  • Kidd, M.G. & V.L. Friesen. 1998. Patterns of control region variation in populations of Cepphus guillemots: testing microevolutionary hypotheses. Evolution 52:1158-1168.

  • Kidd, M.G. & V.L. Friesen. 1998. Sequence variation in the guillemot (Cepphus spp.) mitochondrial control region and its nuclear homolog. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15:61-70.

  • Friesen, V.L. 1997. Population genetics and the spatial scale of conservation of colonial waterbirds. Colonial Waterbirds 20:353-368.

  • Friesen, V.L. & D.J. Anderson. 1997. Phylogeny and evolution of the Sulidae: A test of alternative modes of speciation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 7:252-260.

  • Friesen, V.L., B.C. Congdon, H.E. Walsh & T.P. Birt. 1997. Intron variation in marbled murrelets detected using analyses of single-stranded conformational polymorphisms. Molecular Ecology 6:1047-1058.

  • Friesen, V.L., A.J. Baker & J.F. Piatt. 1996. Phylogenetic relationships within the Alcidae (Charadriiformes: Aves) inferred using total molecular evidence. Molecular Biology and Evolution 13: 359-367.

  • Friesen, V.L., J.F. Piatt & A.J. Baker. 1996. Evidence from cytochrome b sequences and allozymes for a ‘new’ species of alcid, the long-billed murrelet (Brachyramphus perdix). Condor 98:681-690.

  • Friesen, V.L., W.A. Montevecchi, A.J. Baker, R.T. Barrett & W.S. Davidson. 1996. Population differentiation and evolution in the common guillemot (Uria aalge). Molecular Ecology 5:793-805.

  • Friesen, V.L., W.A. Montevecchi, R.T. Barrett & W.S. Davidson. 1996. Molecular evidence for kin groups in the absence of large-scale genetic differentiation in a migratory bird. Evolution 50:924-930.

  • Birt, T.P., V.L. Friesen, J.M. Green & W.S. Davidson. 1995. Mitochondrial DNA variation in Newfoundland and Norwegian populations of Atlantic capelin,  Mallotus villosus, detected using two techniques. Molecular Ecology4: 771-776.

  • Friesen, V.L., R.T. Barrett, W.A. Montevecchi & W.S. Davidson. 1993. Molecular identification of a backcross between a female common murre/thick-billed murre hybrid and a male common murre. Can.adian Journal of Zoology 71: 1474-1477.

  • Friesen, V.L., W.A. Montevecchi & W.S. Davidson. 1993. Cytochrome b nucleotide sequence variation among the Atlantic Alcidae. Hereditas 119: 245-252.

  • Birt-Friesen, V.L., W.A. Montevecchi, A.J. Gaston and W.S. Davidson. 1992. Genetic structure of thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) populations examined using direct sequence analysis of amplified DNA. Evolution 67: 267-272.

  • Birt, T.P., V.L. Friesen, J.M. Green, W.A. Montevecchi & W.S. Davidson. 1992. Cytochrome b variation in parrots. Hereditas 117: 67-72.

  • Montevecchi, W.A., V.L. Birt-Friesen & D.K. Cairns. 1992. Reproductive energetics and prey harvest of Leach’s storm-petrels in the northwest Atlantic. Ecology 73: 823-832.

  • Cairns, D.K., W.A. Montevecchi, V.L. Birt-Friesen & S.A. Macko. 1990. Energy expenditures, activity budgets, and prey harvest of breeding common murres. Studies in Avian Biology 14: 84-92.

  • Birt-Friesen, V.L., W.A. Montevecchi, D.K. Cairns & S.A. Macko. 1989. Activity-specific metabolic rates of free-living northern gannets and other seabirds. Ecology 70: 357-367.

  • Davidson, W.S., S.E. Bartlett, T.P. Birt, V.L. Birt & J.M. Green. 1989. Identification and purification of serum albumin from rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 93B: 5-9.

  • Davidson, W.S., V.L. Birt, T.P. Birt & J.M. Green. 1988. Palmitate-binding, serum albumin-like proteins in salmonids. FEBS Letters 233: 299-302.

  • Montevecchi, W.A., V.L. Birt & D.K. Cairns. 1988a. Dietary changes of seabirds associated with local fisheries failures. Biological Oceanography 5: 153-161.

  • Montevecchi, W.A., D.K. Cairns & V.L. Birt. 1988b. Migration of post-smolt Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, off northeastern Newfoundland, as inferred by tag recoveries in a seabird colony. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 568-571.

  • Birt, V.L., T.P. Birt, D. Goulet, D.K. Cairns & W.A. Montevecchi. 1987. Ashmole’s halo: direct evidence for prey depletion by a seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series 40: 205-208.

  • Birt, V.L. & D.K. Cairns. 1987. Kleptoparasitic interaction of arctic skuas Stercorarius parasiticus and black guillemots Cepphus grylle in northeastern Hudson Bay, Canada. Ibis 29: 190-196.

  • Cairns, D.K., K.A. Bredin & V.L. Birt. 1987a. A tunnel for hidden access to blinds at high latitude seabird colonies. Journal of Field Ornithology 58: 69-72.

  • Cairns, D.K., K.A. Bredin, V.L. Birt & W.A. Montevecchi. 1987b. Electronic activity recorders for aquatic wildlife. Journal of Wildlife Management 51: 395-399